Goat Simulator Waste of Space APK+DATA Android Terbaru 2016

Sedikit Info Seputar Goat Simulator Waste of Space APK+DATA Android Terbaru 2016 Terbaru 2017 - Hay gaes kali ini team Best Games Download For Android , kali ini akan membahas artikel dengan judul Goat Simulator Waste of Space APK+DATA Android Terbaru 2016, kami selaku Team Best Games Download For Android telah mempersiapkan artikel ini untuk sobat sobat yang menyukai Best Games Download For Android . semoga isi postingan tentang yang saya posting kali ini dapat dipahami dengan mudah serta memberi manfa'at bagi kalian semua, walaupun tidak sempurna setidaknya artikel kami memberi sedikit informasi kepada kalian semua. ok langsung simak aja sob
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Goat Simulator Waste of Space APK+DATA Android Terbaru 2016
Goat Simulator Waste of Space APK+DATA Android Terbaru 2016 : For Android, Selamat pagi sahabat game online, kali ini saya akan memberikan game online yang sangat keren. Game ini sangat keren karena Kambing Simolator ini sudah pernah melalui apocalypaze zombie dan menjadi kambing ruang dan membanguni koloni ruang dengan menanduk orang dan mengambil uang mereka. Kambing Simulator ini bisa membangun museum, pesawat ruang angkasa, dan bisa menembak jatuh astroid. Cepatan Download gamenya agar bisa seperti Goat Simulator ini.


Goat Simulator Waste of Space APK+DATA Android You’ve already been through the zombie apocalypze in Goat Z and made friends with NPCs in the computed world of Goat MMO Simulator. What on earth is there left for you to do? The answer is NOTHING! Thats why we leave earth behind and travel to space!

Be a space goat and build a space colony by headbutting people and taking their money. Who knows best how to spend it but a goat? Build a Command bridge training simulator, a space museum or even your very own spaceship. Shoot down asteroids and space pirates or travel to a nearby planet.

You no longer have to fantasize about colonizing space as a simulated goat. Your dreams have finally come true!

Key features
* Be the first goat in space
* Crowdfund a space colony and get other people to pay for it and do all the work!
* Fly and shoot stuff in space, because nobody makes games about flying and shooting in space anymore
* Endless space full of planets to visit. but seriously it would take forever to go there so why bother
* There is one planet nearby though. Go to that one
* Learn how to be a real bridge commander like that spock dude from mars or whatever
* The biggest map in goat simulator history
* So much content you will have to charge your phone lots of times
* Tons of unlockable goats with special powers – Create black holes, 3D print stuff in the world and fling people with your mind

Requires Android: 4.0 and Up

Size: 480 MB

Version: 1.0.3


Goat Simulator Waste of Space APK+DATA Android Terbaru 2016

Goat Simulator Waste of Space APK+DATA Android Terbaru 2016

Goat Simulator Waste of Space APK+DATA Android Terbaru 2016

Goat Simulator Waste of Space APK+DATA Android Terbaru 2016


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